Wednesday, December 30, 2009

setahun suda

ahaaa~~ setaun da umo blog x sedar pon da setaun..mmg cepat mase belalu..huhu..miss flolesian la plak...

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

genting jom

Tapi aku malas nk plan da. Nanti frust lagi.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

perutusan merdeka emie

Sempena Merdeka, saya ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Merdeka yang ke-52 tahun kepada rakan-rakan saya yang berada di serata Malaysia sekarang. Semoga kemerdekaan ini memberikan seribu satu erti  (ayat tv).Sekian. Tido. Eh lupe x terawikh lg. Terawikh before tido.Eh lupe kunci jam. Kunci jam. Terawikh. Tido.  

Monday, July 6, 2009


sye juge miss kamu kamu...
tgl sorang2 jer kat UTP ni..

Sunday, May 31, 2009

mari jumpe

mari jumpe & melepak..

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Happy Birthday Otai~ and Ben's boring rants....

hi guys... 1st of all, I think it's only fair for me to apologize to Otai for giving her the worst bday wish ever over the phone... but Otai, as I said, I wouldn't even call u usually for this kinda thing... but tonite, i think, hey, juz give dat poor kid a call n wish her bday lah... afterall, i think u had enuff torturings for the past few weeks/months in UTP...

I think, today, is one of those days, when you come to realize some things about life.... things like real friends, time to spend together, time to spend thinking about the past few months of your life... basically, a lot of things... 1 habit that I have since the donkey years is to compare my old friends and new friends... it has alwiz been like this:
  • kawan2 UiTM can never beat kawan2 sekolah
  • kawan2 UTP can never beat kawan2 UiTM
  • kawan2 Ofis can never beat kawan2 UTP
  • and the list goes on and on...
there are these special occasions, where the above concept does not apply tho... for example, you guys... the flolesians.... even during my working days, i've met couple of exceptional ppl whom are not fit to apply the above concept... the thing is, as time goes by, this exceptional ppl, ain't exceptional anymore... they are juz like others... whom I can apply the above concept... this fact, bothers me, guys... here, i have 6 of my closest frens in UTP, 6 of my partners in crime, 6 of my brothers and sisters... God knows, in years to come, if we are still here, staying the same as what we did during UTP days... I'm not saying that soon, for worse, you guys will not be the same... juz that, knowing the fact that people change due to time, relationships, distance and experience; that bothers me....

I love you guys, on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Otai's birthday, King's birthday, Wesak Day, My Birthday, Presentation day, Exam day and the rest of the days I failed to mention.

Monday, April 20, 2009

post dikala bosan..

floles in frame

dikala sedang kurus dan rajen berjogging

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Pangkor Trip!

korek blog lame terjumpa ini. For the memories. Gamba add sendiri. Aku malas dengan tenet yang kura-kura.

a trip to pangkor
at last.lepas 3 thn lebey aku jd penghuni utp,sampai gak aku kat pangkor.hahaha.and tah camne soklan ni leh kua –> "ade jambatan x dr sini ke pangkor?" kate aku kat atas feri.*down*lawak di pagi bute.sampai pulau,terus hijack kete sebijik.round2 pulau lam 2-3 kali gak.usha situ.snap2 gamba.stalk org.selisih ngan van2 pink+kuning yg ganas.isk.jalan da la kecik.dorg lak g bawak laju2..cuak seyh~then da penat round2 kitorang tba2 decide nk g snorkelling~huhu xpenah snorkel.try aa sepam.nek speedboat merayau2 kat laut dulu.sampai kat satu tempat ni,abg speed boat tu ckp nama die monkey bay.izul kna tipu.abang tu cakap makhluk2 yg berkeliaran kat situ adalah pelanduk.isk.izul,inesennye kamu.tu anjing la~hahaha.nek speedboat yg agak gerun.laju gile..melambung2 langgar waves.tgk batu2 sume.ade seketol batu cam ikan paus.siap ade air yg tersembur kt atas badan die.hahaha cam nais.turun kat coral bay.snorkel kt situ.kasi makan roti kat ikan.pastu kna geget.menjerit lam air.ade bunyik ke?siot ikan.aku kasik ko makan neh.jgn aaa geget aku.and then ade sekali aku ngn ben duk kat tgh sket and lepaskn roti lam air.pastu ade ikan besar kaler pelangi.cantik gile…wawawawawa sonok2~snorkell la kami di tgh2 hari bute sampai bosan..hohoho and aku baru tau izul tareti swim..bagus r tu..emie ngn izul dua2 takot air..hahaha…pastu g mandi sepam agi kat laut.agak nice r pantai tu..dalam and cam xpuas sbb mandi kejap je..aku mn leh mandi laut kejap2.isk.hasilnye:saye yg itam~isk..sunburned lagi..bile nk putih kalo cam gini asek hangus je…yeay~da tajumpe dah van2 pink yg irritating tuh.kalo la pangkor tu ade maskot,aku rasa van kaler pink tu yg akan jd maskot pulau..hahaha.sampai lumut,round2 agi.buang2 masa.makan abc.haha yg ni pom tak tahan.pegi kat area food court aa lebey kurg.ade la lam 6 kedai kt ctu.sume jual abc.nmpk je kitorg sume panggey mkn abc.*blur* kejap.last2 sorg amik satu kedai.biar ade gak satu kedai tertinggal.naseb r~kitorg berime je macik~then on the way back to utp,sume pengsan except apam ngn ben.^^

Monday, March 30, 2009

Flolesian's Earth Hour

Thx otai for summarizing the weekend there... I'm creating this new post as i dun wanna continue Otai's already-lengthy-post down there.... lemme do the honor to post the pics aite? Earth Hour, yes, I was the most excited one... reach the spot where i recce-d with Apam earlier that day. W/out waiting for others, I secured these shots 1st.

Lights on~

Lights off..

and so you guys reached the spot, it was time for a group photo (as usual la kan~~)

Well, apart of enjoying the Earth Hour, we have also been sparing our bday wished to Izul the whole day, juz to wish him later that night... owh before that, let's that a closer look at the bday boi~
(photo credit to Apam, camera credit to Ben..bwahahahaha)

So, to commemorate such auspicious event, where the whole world unite as one, where flolesians spare their time for each other, where Izul's & Cimah's birthday was celebrated, I present to you....
Happy Birthday, you two floles beings!!!!!

The Great weekend + Earth Hour..

hai guys..aku kat irc..updet blog..internet kat bilik bangang...
so weeken arituh (28&29 Mac)..aku n cham turun kl to meet the other floles..(kecuali emie)
aku dr seremban...
cham dr UTP..
izul dr raub..
ben n apam dr rumah kat area bangi...
cimah dr rumah kat klang..

28Mac 2009

gather kat midvalley around 1 pm..
beli tiket wayang Knowing at 4.30 pm..
and TaleNtime at 9.30 pm...

as we know...830-9.30 is Earth Hour 2009...
so we celebrate it..
Ben yg paling excited..
he really love the wwf panda..huhu..
so after magrib kat surau mid valley...
we bought sushi,pretzel n drinks...
then we went outside midvallley...
sit there n light up candles...
amik2 gamba...
eat sushi..
celebrate bday cimah n izul with the pretzel..
n maser kami celebrate earth hour tuh..sumer org dok usha kitorang..
sbb semangat giler..
and ader uncle chinese nih (kami suspect dier org besar kat mid valley gak)
uncle tuh bangga tgk kitorang nyer semangat n amik gamba kitorang nk wat masuk lam miting..
915 kitorang kemas2..n masuk tgk wayang..

pas wayang..its time to go home..
singgah kat Warung Pak Maidin kat Equin for lite dinner..
then balik umah Ben..
sume tdo umah Ben..
n before tdo we chit chat alot sambil tgk citer kung fu Wong Fei Hong..

29Mac 2009

wake up at 9++...n mandi n siap2..
ben buat kopi kluang for us...(best kopi kluang)
tgk2 album dlu..transfer gamba..trnasfer citer...
borak2..gelak2...dlam kul 11 lebey baru kami gerak dr umah ben..
we had our lunch kat restoran Paandi..
kat PJ..makan nasik daun pisan..
this is my first time..
and it taste so good and we are so full...

then we went to HUKM..ben lawat nenek dier..
and the others lepak kat cafe borak2..
solat kat surau HUKM..
pas2 anta apam balik umah..kat sg merap..on the way tuh apam eli Jambu Ria yg best giler...
singgah umah apam sat lam 5 minit...(apam x wat kopi pon tuk tetamu..haha)
then ben anta aku,cham n cimah kat subang parade...
cimah waiting for her parents..
aku n cham heading to kl sentral to balik utp..=(

btw...the moment aku n cham sampai kl sentral...the fun that we had trus ilang...
and the tense dtg balik..mule la terigt assaimen,project,FYP..haih..

we had so much fun together...really hope to meet again next time..transfomers2 maybe??
thanks ben blanja wayang n mkn..
thanks everyone...
to emie...jgn jeles ek...
(tp bagus gak ko xder..lau ko ader mesti aku yg kene sumbat lam bonet..kan ben kan??)
to time beli keter besar eh..hehe..

p/s: taleh upload gamba lak..nti aku upload laa..

Friday, March 20, 2009


hallo floles..
how are u guys doing??
nex weekend,28 march me n cham are going to kl..
to meet FLOLES!!
aku yg miss giler kat korang..
so lets lepak2 together next week..
c u there!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009



Sunday, February 15, 2009


nk kije
nk kije
nk kije
nk kije
nk kije
nk kije
nk kije
nk kije
nk kije
nk kije
nk kije
nk kije
nk kije
nk kije
nk kije
nk kije
nk kije
nk kije
nk kije
nk kije

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The calls....

Date: 8 February 2009
Time: almost 730 a.m
Place: inside NBV4394 somewhere in Bt Gajah..

1st call....

us: hai macik...
emie: hoi..
us: ko da gemok ke duk umah??
emie: mner der gemok..
us: ko da keje lom??bile nk kije??asal ko x kije kat kedai mkn ker???tlg sapu laman macik sebelah umah ker..dapat gak duit..
emie: bapak aku takasi keje..aku ajar tusyen jer...
us: huahahahaha...tabuley bayang ko jd chekgu...mesti sume tapaham..

2nd call...

us: hai apam...
apam: aaaaaa...rindunyer kat korang...

us: rindu ko gak..ko da kije lum???
apam: aku kije ngan mak aku je...da interbiu arituh..tatau la dapat ker x..korang kat mner ni??

us:baru balik ipow..anta cham beli printer
apam: korang bedue je ker??

us: haah la..sape lagi..xkan nk ajak ifan kot???ko duk umah gemok ke x??
apam:huahahahaha...ifan2.. tah..x gemok2 pon..same jer
us: ok la pam..babai..miss u..take care
apam: take care

3rd call...

us: hai ben..ko kat mner nih??
ben:baru balik wedding...

us: saje je kol sume org..kitorang baru balik ipoh...
ben: ouh..

us: bile nk dtg utp lawat2 kitorang...??kalau nk datang,datang la bulan 4 sbb bday aku(otai)..haha
ben:erkk..buat2 x dengar..

us: siot ben..ko rindu kitorang x???
ben: x

us: aaaaaaaaaaaa....sampai ati.. x rinsu tapela..bye
ben: bye

4th call...

us: hai izul..
izul: hai...

us: ko da ader awek eh izul??
izul: mner ader...

us: abes tuh yg status kat gtalk jiwang2 tuh...haha..bek ko ngaku jer laaaaaa...
izul: mner der..tuh snsd laa...geee...

us: eleh nk malu2 lak..ngaku jer la..
izul: mner ader laaa..huhu(gelak malu)

us: ko rindu kitorang x???
izul: x

us:aaaaaaaa...ko same je dgn ben..sampai ati..x rindu tape la...bye

5th cal

us: cimah ni mesti x angkat..kadang2 x dgr laaa..fon lam beg lah...
fon cimah: tuuuut....tuuuut....tuut...

errr..nih basically conversation arituh..balik ipow..raser mcm nk kol sume org..because we miss u..we did not miss each of u personally (read as b.e.n)...but we do miss floles....huhu..and balik2 ader org letak status kat gtalk:::"miss flolesian"..sape ek???lalalalalala

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

BEN always with her gurls...

aku explore hard disk and tgk2 gamba2 lame..
and i found that selalunyer...
ben mesti ader biler aku,cimah,emie and cham keluar...
what does that mean???
err..pikirla sendri..
and here are some proves...

adakah ben juge.....

ben ader maser nih...dier yg amik gamba kami...

*sebenarnyer ader 1 lagi gamba..baru balik jogging..dlam keter..
ben pakai topi pink aku x igt letak mane..crik2 x jumper..damn!!

::edited by ben::

u mean this photo otai?


blog senyap...
sbb sume tgh bizi...
eventhough we are busy...
we still have each other in our mind...kan???
damn it..rindu giler...(padahal baru jer lbih kurang 2 months dr last gath)

as cham wish...
jom g genting..
aku pegi mase intern arituh...

best ker genting???
bg aku bese jer..

its not where u go that matters...
its with who u go that matter...

if its floles...
ape yg x best???
sume best!!

so lets plan guys...
kalau outdoor jer rm38..
indoor+outdoor 54..

aku plan kalau boleh kiter g weekdays..x ramai org and murah ben kene amik cuti la kot..and aku n cham kan figure out bile leh ponteng klass..

xyah tdo sane pon xpe...
dr kl 45 minutes jer..

masalahnye skang...yg tanam anggur nih...(tp emie tanam stroberi)..
sanggup ke x???

Sunday, January 11, 2009


kanak2 sekalian, jgn asyik chat kat chatbox je.


Friday, January 9, 2009


Look at what i've found~
(re-edited by Ben with proper photos)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Feel free to edit

1) Pochi = perverted

2) Floles= codename for a girl whom I did not know her name... (ni sape tulih ni?)

3) Sayam = sayang

4) chamciah/ chamPION/ chamchimchom = er...cham!

5) nais = nice

6) jom = inviting others to "JUST" join in...wateva that activity was...

7) spocless = replace the oc with an eech

8) ta-(verb) = tak-(verb) eg: tamau = tak mau

9) k.n.t.k = kantok = sleepy

10) tilet = toilet yg typo by emie kot...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Friday, January 2, 2009

Its "70m" onlee...

aku suke gamba nih..mcm oldies sket..

cham..ko stalk ben ker??

emie kaver gg sbb kalah ngan IRON teeth cimah..

err..humpty dumpty sat on the wall???

cham nampak "cam" kurus...(nih sume camera trick je..bukan betul2)..ko tayah prasan..

wow..naik bukit "70m" terus sampai new zealand..haha

Those cannot be trusted...

dr komen2 korang on our last outing which is emie's birthday..aku conclude that..this 2 person cannot be trusted biler mau pegi jalan2..

  1. Izul...--> crik roundabot besar sampai naik "jambatan izul" 2 kali...(rugi 8 ringgit)...nasib baik dier x suruh kiter carik roundabot yg 4 segi...
  2. emie --> carik kubur cine,then belok silap belok kanan..carik sampai masuk kubur pon komfirm x jumpe sbb we have to turn right first then only we can see the kubur cine.....second thing ben said..not to mention emie's "70m" signage...dengan yakinnyer emie berkate kepade kami.."70 m jer naik bukit nih"....dan ben dengan yakinnye "100m = 15 dalam 45 seconds kiter sampai la..(kalau lari)".....hiking "70m" mcm nk mampos...turun2 rupe2nyer its 870 metersssss.....siot emie...seb baik dapat g new zealand kat atas tuh...

lepas nih nk g mane2 make sure derang nih diam diam diam (bak kate cham)...emie mmg akan diam sbb naik kete jer mesti macik nih membute...n izul lak jarang bersuare tp lpas intern izul da mule pandai bersuare..kipitap Izul(<-- cimah slalu tulis cmnih for "keep it up")

Happy 2009, people~

Ay, did you guys realize that we have known each other for about 2 years now? n we are indeed active keeping in touch with each other.. and if I can recall it correct

cham aka harvard : 1st appeared in my life during Jan 05 semester... my arch-enemy that turns into 1 helluva close mate by Jul 06 semester.

izul aka dotcom : he is so synonym with Mianhada Saranghada series that I served in #s143 and #koreajapan before I leave for internship

emie aka mici : i got to know her when cham invited me to join her to IW 06 to support her fren, Ass. Manager of the event.

apam aka nz : cham's pal whom I got jealous as he stole most of cham's attention during MAS Jan '07.. ahahahaha... lalalala~

otai aka siti_otai : came to join us in #floles soon after apam.. a natural act indeed... been lepak2 together during MAS as well.

n cimah aka spyrs : initially dubbed as emie's twin.. as short as, and as loud as...... one thing that emie did not have was her IRON teeth!!!! ahahahahaha

however, i think it is only fair to mention another pioneer of #floles, who is elya aka honeystar. she's in fact the catalyst of my frenship with cham, the girl who doesn't mind playing basketball with me at night, and I think was the sole reason why cham don't mind joining as well. elya, izul and cham, were indeed the next 3 person who resides in #floles soon after it was registered... and the rest, are histore V(^.^)v

I once said to cham, it is dangeroes to play with the word "if", but this entry is indeed an exception. IF I didn't decide in joining UTP after my diploma years, I will not get to know you. IF I did not get to know you guys, I wouldn't be as happy as I had during my final year in UTP. and IF i wasn't happy in UTP, I don't think I'll be keeping in touch up till now. lastly, IF we did not keep in touch till now, I don't even think that this blog will exist.

Thank you flolesians. For the many experience in life, my floles experience is something to talk about up till the end of time.

a small shout out to the purpose of the word "floles", Izza of Desktop & Publishing team, MAS '07